Red is not a good color…
When starting a new business, there are a lot of variables to consider. What is your niche, how will you differentiate, where will you...
Discover small business truths & everyday people truths
Naturally Curious // Forever Determined // Woman Entrepreneur
Red is not a good color…
REVIEWS...let's dive in.
Small Business Dreams
What is life like, owning a growing business?
I am WOMAN. Hear me ROAR.
something sparks you...
go's your birthday...
and here we year 8! churn up!
...and to the next chapter we go
sHe Simply cHaNgeD my SOUL.
Welcome to my WORLD.
buildout tip - keep it MOVING...
a legend, and frankly, my HeRo.
nEgoTiate? ok then.
bUildOuts. lOve tHem or hAtE tHem.
nEw YeAr. wHo DiS??